Capstone offers an array of complimentary educational resources on captive insurance and alternative risk planning. Our Captive Insurance 101 content, along with videos, white papers, case studies, a captive eligibility quiz, and more assist business owners and their advisors with increasing their captive knowledge and provide a solid foundation for captive planning. We welcome you to explore these materials to gain insight into the function and benefits of captives and Capstone’s attorney-led, turnkey captive services.
Captive Insurance 101
If you’re new to captive insurance, Capstone has you covered with Captive Insurance 101. This collection of downloadable resources offers quick and jargon-free explanations of how captives work, how real businesses are using captive coverages, and captive industry information. >>Visit Captive Insurance 101
Is a Captive Right for Your Business? Take the Quiz.
Captive insurance planning is a powerful way for closely-held businesses to combat risk, reduce their overall cost of insurance, and boost profits. But, captive planning isn’t for everyone. Take the quiz to find out if forming a captive is the right course of action for your business. >>Take the Quiz
Complimentary Captive Webinar
Our captive insurance webinar includes a detailed overview on captives, their structure, ownership, and more. With the help of audio/visual aids, and a captive expert as your host, you’ll be drawn into an immersive educational session on captives. >>Sign Up for a Webinar
Captive Videos
Capstone’s videos offer exceptional content on captive insurance companies. Our videos cover a variety of captive-related topics including captive insurance types, the IRC 831(b) captive tax provision, industry-related captive coverages, and more. >>Watch Captive Videos
Case Studies
With Capstone’s case studies, readers can see captive insurance coverages in action. Most insurance coverages in the commercial market carry exclusions—captive coverages fill these gaps, and fully support businesses during a loss event. Our case studies demonstrate how this happens, in full detail. >>Read Case Studies
White Papers
As a leader in the captive industry, Capstone examines the issues that impact insureds, captive owners, and their advisors, offering insights via white papers. Readers will discover why a turnkey approach to planning is optimal for mid-market businesses, and explore other relevant information, including the reasons for the industry’s growth. >>Read White Papers
Captive Insurance Glossary
We’ve compiled a captive insurance glossary which offers a list of terms and their definitions to help readers understand the various components to captive planning. Rather than scour the Web for answers, readers can get their information here, all in one place. >>Visit the Captive Insurance Glossary
Legal Articles and Cases
There have been several important legal cases that have shaped the captive insurance industry over the past two decades. With the assistance of its counsel, Capstone has compiled court documents and other articles relevant to these cases, so readers can gain a solid understanding of how far the industry has come and, where it might be going. >>Explore Legal Articles and Cases
Contact us to learn more about how captive insurance can benefit your mid-market organization. Call 713.800.0550, or submit your information via the form.