Capstone Associated Opens Office in Delaware

Capstone office in DelawareCapstone Associated has opened an office in Wilmington, DE, where a growing number of middle market captive insurers are now domiciled.

Capstone Insurance Management, Ltd. (CIMA), which is wholly-owned by Capstone Associated, is both a licensed captive insurance manager and a licensed company manager. CIMA, in conjunction with The Feldman Law Firm LLP, facilitates captive planning whether done in the U.S. or in territories of the United Kingdom. In 2010, CIMA has placed three captives in Delaware.

Having formed over CAPTIVE_FORMATIONS captives in multiple domiciles over the last CAP_YEARS_NUMBER+ years, we understand the importance of choosing the right domicile, whether in the U.S. or abroad, for our clients.

"Domiciles offer differing services and are not uniform," notes Capstone Vice President, Lance McNeel. "Owners of closely-held businesses prefer domiciles offering reasonable capitalization requirements, meeting and banking requirements, coupled with sensible regulations and captive insurance expertise. In these respects, Capstone is honored to now offer Delaware as another domicile option for captive owners."

Capstone’s Office in Anguilla

Capstone also operates an office in the British Overseas Territory of Anguilla, where 300+ captives are domiciled.

Regardless of the domicile, Capstone's work draws upon our affiliated law firm's Houston-based regulatory, insurance and tax lawyers, and Capstone's Houston-based insurance team, which includes or coordinates outside risk managers, insurance accountants, actuaries and other insurance administrators and professionals.

“Our providing this comprehensive range of services is what has led to Capstone being recognized as the most sophisticated, comprehensive, and now the largest provider of turnkey alternative risk planning services devoted to the U.S. middle market,” McNeel said.

"Capstone is recognized as among the top captive management firms licensed by the State of Delaware, where our captive legislation is tailored for middle market captives," says Mary Jo Lopez, Director of Business Development for the Delaware Department of Insurance. “Capstone is among the most active, having licensed numerous captives in Delaware, representing insureds throughout the United States.”

Delaware has long enjoyed a reputation as the premier U.S. domicile for corporate formations. Today over 900,000 companies representing 63% of the Fortune 500 and 50% of companies traded on the NYSE and NASDAQ are incorporated in Delaware.

Delaware enacted legislation in 2005 modernizing state law regarding the formation of captives and positioning Delaware as home to the growing number of captive insurance companies being created by companies worldwide. Delaware has long been home to major insurance companies such as Aetna, Allstate, MetLife, GenRe, MunichRe, and AIG’s former Asian insurer (now part of MetLife), Alico.

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